288 research outputs found

    Multi-taper Spectral Analysis in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis

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    Spectral estimation plays a significant role in gravitational wave data analysis. We provide a brief introduction to multi-taper methods which use multiple orthogonal tapers (or windows) to provide spectral estimators with excellent bias and variance properties. Multi-taper methods are also extremely powerful for the estimation and removal of sharp spectral peaks in the presence of noise such as arise due to power line harmonics or suspension resonances. We present examples of these methods using the GRASP (Gravitational Radiation Analysis and Simulation Package) software package

    Automatic cross-talk removal from multi-channel data

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    A technique is described for removing interference from a signal of interest ("channel 1") which is one of a set of N time-domain instrumental signals ("channels 1 to N"). We assume that channel 1 is a linear combination of "true" signal plus noise, and that the "true" signal is not correlated with the noise. We also assume that part of this noise is produced, in a poorly-understood way, by the environment, and that the environment is monitored by channels 2 to N. Finally, we assume that the contribution of channel n to channel 1 is described by an (unknown!) linear transfer function R_n(t-t'). Our technique estimates the R_i and provides a way to subtract the environmental contamination from channel 1, giving an estimate of the "true" signal which minimizes its variance. It also provides some insights into how the environment is contaminating the signal of interest. The method is illustrated with data from a prototype interferometric gravitational-wave detector, in which the channel of interest (differential displacement) is heavily contaminated by environmental noise (magnetic and seismic noise) and laser frequency noise but where the coupling between these signals is not known in advance

    Adsorption of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate at the Air–Water Interface

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    The adsorption of ammonium perfluorooctanoate has been investigated at the air-water interface as a function of surfactant concentration at various concentrations of ammonium chloride. The area occupied by the surfactant ion was then calculated from the Gibbs equation with allowance for the presence of salt ions. Independently, the area per surfactant ion at the interface was determined by the technique of neutron reflectiviy. Within experimental error the two sets of measurements were in good agreement

    Renormalized Vacuum Polarization and Stress Tensor on the Horizon of a Schwarzschild Black Hole Threaded by a Cosmic String

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    We calculate the renormalized vacuum polarization and stress tensor for a massless, arbitrarily coupled scalar field in the Hartle-Hawking vacuum state on the horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole threaded by an infinte straight cosmic string. This calculation relies on a generalized Heine identity for non-integer Legendre functions which we derive without using specific properties of the Legendre functions themselves.Comment: This is an expanded version of a previous submission, we have added the calculation of the stress tensor. 28 pages, 7 figure

    Analytic Results for the Gravitational Radiation from a Class of Cosmic String Loops

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    Cosmic string loops are defined by a pair of periodic functions a{\bf a} and b{\bf b}, which trace out unit-length closed curves in three-dimensional space. We consider a particular class of loops, for which a{\bf a} lies along a line and b{\bf b} lies in the plane orthogonal to that line. For this class of cosmic string loops one may give a simple analytic expression for the power γ\gamma radiated in gravitational waves. We evaluate γ\gamma exactly in closed form for several special cases: (1) b{\bf b} a circle traversed MM times; (2) b{\bf b} a regular polygon with NN sides and interior vertex angle π2πM/N\pi-2\pi M/N; (3) b{\bf b} an isosceles triangle with semi-angle θ\theta. We prove that case (1) with M=1M=1 is the absolute minimum of γ\gamma within our special class of loops, and identify all the stationary points of γ\gamma in this class.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex 3.0, 7 figures available via anonymous ftp from directory pub/pcasper at alpha1.csd.uwm.edu, WISC-MILW-94-TH-1

    High Frequency Asymptotics for the Spin-Weighted Spheroidal Equation

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    We fully determine a uniformly valid asymptotic behaviour for large aωa \omega and fixed mm of the angular solutions and eigenvalues of the spin-weighted spheroidal differential equation. We fully complement the analytic work with a numerical study.Comment: The .tar.gz file should contain 1 tex file, 24 figures in .ps format and 1 bibliography file in .bbl format. All these files are located in the same director

    Waveforms for Gravitational Radiation from Cosmic String Loops

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    We obtain general formulae for the plus- and cross- polarized waveforms of gravitational radiation emitted by a cosmic string loop in transverse, traceless (synchronous, harmonic) gauge. These equations are then specialized to the case of piecewise linear loops, and it is shown that the general waveform for such a loop is a piecewise linear function. We give several simple examples of the waveforms from such loops. We also discuss the relation between the gravitational radiation by a smooth loop and by a piecewise linear approximation to it.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Revte

    Detection of Anisotropies in the Gravitational-Wave Stochastic Background

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    By correlating the signals from a pair of gravitational-wave detectors, one can undertake sensitive searches for a stochastic background of gravitational radiation. If the stochastic background is anisotropic, then this correlated signal varies harmonically with the earth's rotation. We calculate how the harmonics of this varying signal are related to the multipole moments which characterize the anisotropy, and give a formula for the signal-to-noise ratio of a given harmonic. The specific case of the two LIGO (Laser Interferometric Gravitational Observatory) detectors, which will begin operation around the year 2000, is analyzed in detail. We consider two possible examples of anisotropy. If the gravitational-wave stochastic background contains a dipole intensity anisotropy whose origin (like that of the Cosmic Background Radiation) is motion of our local system, then that anisotropy will be observable by the advanced LIGO detector (with 90% confidence in one year of observation) if \Omega_{gw} > 5.3 \times 10^{-8} h_{100}^{-2}. We also study the signal produced by stochastic sources distributed in the same way as the luminous matter in the galactic disk, and in the same way as the galactic halo. The anisotropy due to sources distributed as the galactic disk or as the galactic halo will be observable by the advanced LIGO detector (with 90% confidence in one year of observation) if \Omega_{gw} > 1.8 \times 10^{-10} h_{100}^{-2} or \Omega_{gw} > 6.7 \times 10^{-8} h_{100}^{-2}, respectively.Comment: 25 pages, Latex with RevTeX and epsfig, now includes S/N ratio calculations, expected response from anisotropy due to local motion & sources in galax

    Effective source approach to self-force calculations

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    Numerical evaluation of the self-force on a point particle is made difficult by the use of delta functions as sources. Recent methods for self-force calculations avoid delta functions altogether, using instead a finite and extended "effective source" for a point particle. We provide a review of the general principles underlying this strategy, using the specific example of a scalar point charge moving in a black hole spacetime. We also report on two new developments: (i) the construction and evaluation of an effective source for a scalar charge moving along a generic orbit of an arbitrary spacetime, and (ii) the successful implementation of hyperboloidal slicing that significantly improves on previous treatments of boundary conditions used for effective-source-based self-force calculations. Finally, we identify some of the key issues related to the effective source approach that will need to be addressed by future work.Comment: Invited review for NRDA/Capra 2010 (Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios), Perimeter Institute, June 2010, CQG special issue - 22 pages, 8 figure